Can You Hear Me Now? Senator Introduces Bill Taxing Outsourced Phone Calls

by Joshua on June 3, 2010

On Wednesday, The Hill reported that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced a bill that places an $0.25 excise tax on companies that transfer domestic service calls to foreign call centers:

“If we want to put a stop to the outsourcing of American jobs, than we need to provide incentives for American companies to keep American jobs here,” Schumer said in prepared remarks. “This bill will not only serve to maintain call center jobs currently in the United States, but also provide a reason for companies that have already outsourced jobs to bring them back.”
Under the bill, companies would incur a $0.25 excise tax for any domestic customer service call that is transferred overseas.

Companies must also disclose to the caller that their call is being transferred overseas and name which country is receiving the call.

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